Why Lao Long Dao?


Lao Long Dao, or "The Way of the Ancient Dragon", is based on the acquisition of the principles of mind, body, and spirit. Nowdays, in the West area, the techniques of combat are mainly taught, but this is a reductive approach, as teaching to fight does not mean teaching martial art. Lao Long Dao is the result of the union of different styles that have given birth to a complete program, which is characterized by its flexibility.

Each practitioner can find his or her own way, because it is the martial art that must adapt to the athlete, valuing his or her resources, not the athlete to the martial art.


It is an art suitable for everyone and teaches to live according to the principles of honesty, respect, and freedom..



Lao Long Dao is a complete martial art that, combined with careful athletic preparation, allows to maintain physical and mental balance, giving the practitioner the ability to defend herself and let her feel safe and independent at any time of the day. It also gives the possibility to meet and measure herself with men, demonstrating the equal effectiveness of women in this sector.


Playing and respect for the companion are essential tools for teaching child during each lesson. The teacher is an educator who follows each student; he communicates to him the sense of friendship and sharing. Together with the work on motor coordination, balance, attention development, non-aggression and the rejection of any kind of drug, indicates the path to follow for a correct growth, rich in essential values in a degraded society.


The study of martial art leads, in addition to an improvement of one's own physical, motor, and coordination abilities, to the development of a better visual memory; it also improve the ability to communicate with younger people and understand the world. It helps to share respect for those who are ahead of us and still want to live their lives with autonomy and enthusiasm, to make their old age more vital and joyful.