pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 36 of 28 February 2021 and Legislative Decree no. 39/2021 and subsequent amendments.

ACSD SHINZENBI guarantees the fundamental right of all members to be treated with respect and dignity as well as to be protected from any form of abuse, harassment, gender violence and any other condition of discrimination, regardless of ethnicity, personal beliefs, disability, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, political opinion, religion, property, birth, physical, intellectual, relational or sporting condition. For ACSD SHINZENBI, in fact, the right to health and psycho-physical well-being of members constitutes an absolutely primary value also with respect to the sporting result, so much so that anyone who participates with any function or title in the activities promoted by us is required to respect the aforementioned rights of members.

The Safeguarding Policy Manager, appointed by the ACSD SHINZENBI Board of Directors, is Mr. Francesco Camatini.

The new figure of our Association adopts the appropriate initiatives to prevent and combat any form of abuse, violence and discrimination against federal members. Among other activities, he supervises the adoption and updating by CONI, the Federations and the relative adaptation of our Sports Association of the organizational and control models of sports activity and codes of conduct and reports violations to the competent bodies.

He receives reports received from those who become aware of or directly suffer relevant behaviors, also ensuring anonymity. The Safeguarding Manager will make an initial assessment and proceed to activate the necessary intervention, informing the Federal Prosecutor and the person who made the report, if this corresponds to the victim or is exercising parental responsibility (in the case of a minor).

Considering that the timeliness of reporting is of primary importance for the successful outcome of abuse situations, anyone who becomes aware of behaviors that are relevant on a disciplinary level to the detriment of the person and the psycho-physical well-being of federal members, can send a report, even anonymously, to the following email address:







Sig. Francesco Camatini (Acceptance of Appointment)

 +39 3485491025


Mail Safeguarding

Mail Inclusione