Gym Regulations


  • Training can only takes place in the presence of the Master or an authorized assistant;
  • At the beginning of the lesson, the students must form a line, respecting the hierarchy of grades and will be placed in front of the Master;
  • The students with the highest belt will be the leader of the line on the right and then in order of level the other students on the left;
  • Each student must wear his/her full belt uniform, respecting the colors of his/her study level;
  • During the lesson, a respectful and decorous behavior must be observed; shouting or playing is not allowed;
  • Every time you leave the tatami you must take off your belt as a sign of respect;
  • You must respect the cleanliness of the rooms used and the available equipment;
  • You must respect the ban on smoking in the environment and/or in the room where training takes place;
  • It is allowed to undress and change one's clothes only inside the locker room.



  • All students must take care of their Uniform, which must always be clean, tidy and free of unpleasant odors. All seams and tears must be repaired;

  • It is important to carefully take care of personal hygiene;

  • Nails of the hands and feet must be kept short as much as possible;

  • The locker room must be kept tidy;

  • Do not leave your clothes and shoes lying around;

  • Kung Fu shoes must be put on only inside the School;

  • Long hair must be tied back or you can use a headband to keep it pulled back.



  • All sessions are preceded by a complete body warm-up to avoid, as much as possible, muscle tears or strains;
  • The warm-up is structured so that all the main muscles are used and then warmed up;
  • Watches and rings must be taken off before starting training;
  • Sunglasses can be worn, (but it is recommended to take them off during combat);
  • Each student must avoid chewing gum, candy or similar during training.





  • Not to be positive for Covid-19;
  • Not to be subjected to quarantine and/or to the precautionary isolation measure;
  • Not to have come into contact with positive and/or symptomatic subjects and/or to come from risk areas;
  • According to WHO guidelines;
  • Not to have flu symptoms and/or respiratory system deseases;
  • You have to promptly update the teacher of any variation in relation to what  declared above;
  • You declare to have received the appropriate document containing the recommendations for athletes.