Newsletters Policy

Dear Visitor,
you receive this e-mail because you ask to be subscribed or you are subscribed to the newsletter of the Association A.C.S.D. SHIN ZEN BI L.L.D. Milan by virtue of the application made on our portal or by other means. We hereby inform you about the methods of processing your data in accordance with art. 13 of EU Regulation/2016/679 ("GDPR").

Data controller.
The data controller is the Association A.C.S.D. SHIN ZEN BI L.L.D. Milan, with registered office in via Venezia 33, 20813 Bovisio Masciago MB Italia - C.F. 91141730159 - tel. 3345964651 - email

Aims and methods of treatment.
The processing of data will be carried out in compliance with GDPR and Legislative Decree no. 196/03 ("Personal Data Protection Code") integrated with the amendments introduced by Legislative Decree 101/2018, as well as the principles of lawfulness, correctness and transparency, adequacy and relevance, exclusively for sending the periodic newsletter on the initiatives and activities of the Association, including any awareness and fundraising campaigns and any special newsletters for general or urgent information. The processing will be carried out by computer, by persons authorized by the Association and with the adoption of appropriate protection measures, so as to ensure the security and confidentiality of data. No automated decision-making process will be carried out. The legal basis for the processing is represented by the request to subscribe to the newsletter service (art. 6 paragraph 1 letter b GDPR).

Necessity of the conferment.
The provision and use of the e-mail address are necessary to receive the newsletter. The provision of other data is optional.

Management of your personal data.
The management of data and subscription to the newsletter can be changed at any time from the links at the bottom of each communication sent via the newsletter.

Communication and transfer of data abroad.
The data will be stored on host and SMTP servers which ensure that adequate security and data protection parameters are adopted by GDPR or for the sole purpose of the newsletter service; the data may be transmitted to recipients outside the EU (e.g. Google LLC or Mailchimp whose states have signed agreements to ensure an adequate level of data protection). Apart from the processing described above, the data are not disclosed to third parties (nor to third countries) and are not disseminated. Where necessary or appropriate, the subjects to whom the data are transmitted for the computer management of the newsletter service will be appointed as (external) data processors in accordance with art. 28 GDPR.

Period of data retention.
Personal data will be stored and used for the time necessary to send the periodic newsletter and will be deleted in case of unsubscription to the newsletter.

Rights of the interested party.
As a data subject, you are guaranteed all the rights specified in Articles 15 - 20 GDPR, including the right to access, rectification and deletion of data, the right to limitation and opposition to processing, the right to revoke consent to processing (without prejudice to the lawfulness of processing based on consent acquired prior to revocation), as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Supervisor if it is deemed that the processing concerning you is in breach of GDPR or Italian law. The above rights may be exercised by written communication to be sent by e-mail, e.g. or by registered mail to the Association's headquarters.

Data Protection Officer
The (DPO) appointed by the Association is Sfreddo Martins Daniela, to whom any interested party may write, in relation to the processing of data carried out by the Association and/or in relation to personal rights, at the address via Venezia 33, 20813 Bovisio Masciago MB Italia. The DPO may also be contacted by telephone through the Association at 3345964651 and by e-mail at